Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Our Daily Bread

Finding God In The Darkness

READ: Acts 17:24-31

The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. —Luke 19:10

When our boys were small, we played a game called "Sardines." We’d turn out all the lights in our home and I would hide in a closet or some other cramped place. The rest of the family groped about in the darkness to find my hiding place and then hide with me until we were squeezed together like sardines. Hence the name.

Our smallest family member at times became frightened in the dark, so when he came close, I would whisper to him softly: "Here I am."

"I found you, Dad!" he would announce as he snuggled against me in the darkness, not realizing that I let myself be "found."

Likewise, we have been made to search for God—to "grope for Him," as Paul put it so vividly (Acts 17:27). But here’s the good news: He is not at all hard to find, for "He is not far from each one of us." He desires to make Himself known. "There is a property in God of thirst and longing. He hath longing to have us," wrote Dame Julian of Norwich centuries ago.

Before we come to know Christ, we grope for God in the darkness. But if we search for Him in earnest, He will make Himself known, for He rewards those who diligently seek Him (Heb. 11:6). He will call to us softly: "Here I am."

And He awaits our reply: "I found You!" —David H. Roper

Man gropes his way through life’s dark maze;
To gods unknown he often prays,
Until one day he meets God’s Son—
At last he’s found the Living One! —D. De Haan

Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. —Isaiah 55:6


Brittney said...

Wow, that was so beautiful, and something so perfect for my life right now. Thank you so much for posting that.

Ramblin' Rose said...


This devotion really touched my heart too, and I felt like I needed to share it.

Thank you for the comment dear BrittLeigh.

God bless you,

Anonymous said...

Okay...time to write another blog. I'm tagging you for at least 7 things to make me smile. Read my blog on being tagged. selahV